Cara Membuat Rok Dari Jarik. aba préntah pakon dhawuh ngabani mréntah kanthi swara abab hawa saka cangkem mung abab thok mung swara thok ora cucul dhuwit abad jaman sing.
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Batik is a technique of waxresist dyeing applied to the whole cloth This technique originated from the island of Java Indonesia Batik is made either by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a canting or by printing the resist with a copper stamp called a cap The applied wax resists dyes and therefore allows the artisan to colour selectively by soaking the.
Kamus Jawa Sederhana ensiklopedihindunesia
Jarik (untuk pria) Bêbêd Nyamping 295 Jarum Dom Jarum 296 Jati Nyata Betul Jati Jatos 297 Jatuh Tibo Dhawah 298 Jauh Adoh Têbih 299 Jelek Elek Awon 300 Jenazah Mayit Jisim Layon 301 Jeruk Jêruk Jêram 302 Jika kalau Mênawa Mênawi 303.
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