Convert Ringgit To Rupiah. MYR Malaysian Ringgit Country Malaysia Region Asia SubUnit 1 Ringgit = 100 sen Symbol RM The Malaysian ringgit is the currency of Malaysia It is divided into 100 senThe word ringgit means “jagged” in Malay and was originally used to refer to the serrated edges of silver Spanish dollars which circulated widely in the area during the Portuguese colonial era.
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1 Malaysian Ringgit To Idr Fx Rate ᐈ 3 395 7092 Idr Live Realtime Updates
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67.82 Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Malaysian Ringgit, 67.82
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MYR Malaysian Ringgit Country Malaysia Region Asia SubUnit 1 Ringgit = 100 sen Symbol RM The Malaysian ringgit is the currency of Malaysia It is divided into 100 senThe word ringgit means “jagged” in Malay and was originally used to refer to the serrated edges of silver Spanish dollars which circulated widely in the area during the.